Journey to the Max

Sunday, March 05, 2006

We leave for Kemerovo next Monday!!!It is finally here!!! Time to go get our new Little one Maksim Drozdov. He will be 18 months old on March the 14th... one day before we get to meet him. He is adorable.. strawberry blonde hair - huge blue (we think) eyes, and a really adorable face. We had signed up with Adoption Ark right after Christmas, got a referral for a little boy named Max also, who was in St. Petersburg Russia... then St. Pete decided they would not allow any Americans to adopt.. So a few weeks later Elina sent us an email asking if we were able to travel on short notice..... Heck Yeah!! She sent us little Max's picture, and then his medical and age etc.. a few days later. He was born at 4.9 pounds, but now is 21 and he is 30" tall. He is small (as are most orphans) but still is in the 3rd percentile.. Not bad... and knowing us, he will be eating a bunch and growing like a weed!!

We are just about ready to go.. I got our Airline tickets (what a loooonnngg flight!!) we are still waiting on our hotel reservations.. we got our new $100 dollar bills, we got the nursery all set up, we bought lots of cute clothes and lots of cute toys. I will do the final apostilling of our Court Documents this Thursday.. (which means we have the documents needed for the second trip ready ahead of time, and will just take them with us and hand deliver them) Hopefully that will shorten the time between the trips. Now its just wait wait wait...

I really want to see Little Max. I am so curious to see what he looks like in person.. and give him a huge hug and kiss. I want to see what he likes to do.. so that I can get everything ready for him.. (and register for my baby shower!!).. We Leave Monday the 13th.. Hit Moscow on the 14th, then take a night flight to Kemerovo. We arrive in Kemerovo at 6:00 in the morning and will go to see Max that Morning (15th). We will see him on the 16th also.. sign paperwork stating that we really do want to adopt him... and then the morning of the 17th we head back to Moscow. We could leave then, but couldn't get a flight until the 20th. We will take a fun vacation and see the country and take lots of pictures for when Max wants to see where he was born. I will update soon...


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